Practice Management

The practice manager is involved in managing all of the business aspects of the practice such as making sure that the right systems are in place to provide a high quality of patient care, human resources, finance, patient safety, premises and equipment and information technology. The practice manager supports the GPs and other medical professionals with delivering patient services and also helps to develop extended services to enhance patient care.

Mr Graeme Haggerty (m)

Graeme is Finance and Business Manager.

Ms Louise Dobbyn (f)

Practice Manager

Miss Lisa Baldry (f)

Operations Manager

Miss Jessica Moreton (f)

QOF Manager


The doctors' day-to-day work is supported by medical secretaries who are available to speak to patients on a variety of issues. Behind the scenes our practice administrative staff do the work involved in the business of the practice. If you have been referred to a specialist, consultant or hospital then call the outpatients ervice who can advise how and when you will be seen. You may also choose the cosse and book service to pick where and when there is an appointment availble as well.

Mrs Tracy W (f)

Medical Secretary

Mrs Emma L (f)

Medical Secretary

Mrs Rianna H (f)
Mrs Tracey C (f)
Mrs Lesley L (f)
Mrs Edyta A (f)
Mrs Sarah D (f)


Our receptionists are your first point of contact with the surgery. They will help you when you want to see your doctor or nurse. They answer many of your questions and arrange for you to speak to any other member of staff who can help you. Please be advised they will also ask what the purpose of your call is to inform the relevant staff when  needed. Can we please ask during these very difficult times to not swear and curse over the phone. The practice has a zero tolerance for abusive behaviour towards any staff and further steps will be taken if it continues. All calls are recorded for training and review if any problems.

Melissa G (f)

Reception Manager

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